Ordering Process:

  1. Do I need an account to place an order?

    • No, you can also check out as a guest. However, having an account offers benefits like a quick checkout process, order status tracking, and exclusive promotions.
  2. What should I do if I forgot my password?

    • Simply click on "Lost password?" on the login page to create a new password.
  3. I entered the wrong email address. How can I correct it?

    • Please contact us to update your email address. While we can adjust your email, name, and address, orders cannot be altered once placed.

Payment and Security:

  1. Are there exchange rates?

    • All transactions are in US Dollars. If your credit card uses another currency, the total will be converted based on the daily exchange rate.
  2. What payment methods do you accept?

    • We accept major credit cards (VISA, Mastercard, AMEX) and PayPal. Unfortunately, we don't accept personal checks, money orders, or cash on delivery.
  3. How secure is my online order?

    • We employ SSL encryption for all credit card transactions, ensuring your data is secure and not stored on our servers.

Order Management:

  1. Can I change or cancel my order?

    • Once placed, orders cannot be modified or canceled. We reserve the right to decline orders, even after confirmation, based on inventory or other factors.
  2. How do I set my shipping address?

    • Please ensure all address details are in English characters for accurate processing. Unfortunately, we can't revise addresses after orders are shipped.
  3. When will my order arrive?

    • Delivery times vary based on your chosen shipping option. Tracking information is provided once your order ships, typically within 24 hours.

Shipping and Customs:

  1. When will my order be processed?

    • Orders are processed within 2-3 business days, excluding weekends and holidays. Contact us if you don't receive tracking confirmation within 5 business days.
  2. How will my order be shipped?

    • Shipping methods are detailed on our Shipping page for your convenience.
  3. Will I be charged customs and taxes?

    • Prices are tax-free, but you may be responsible for duties and taxes upon receipt, depending on your country's regulations.


  1. How do I return an item?

    • Contact us within 30 days of receipt, providing your order number and reason for return. Follow our Returns Policy for instructions.
  2. Will shipping be covered for my returns?

    • Customers are responsible for return shipping fees and any additional charges.
  3. What if my item is defective/incorrect/damaged?

    • Notify us within 7 days of receipt with your order number and relevant photos for prompt resolution.


  1. How long is the returns process?

    • Returns may take up to 14 business days to process once received.
  2. When will I receive my refund?

    • Refunds are credited to your original payment method within 7-10 business days after receipt. Contact your bank if you don't see the credit posted to your account.